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CBD isolate

CBD isolate. Its production and effects

CBD is one of the most popular cannabinoids of recent times. It is a non-psychoactive substance that studies have shown to have significant therapeutic potential, ranging from anti-inflammatory to neuroprotective to psychiatric uses. However, CBD isolate, an extract that contains CBD separated from the other components, is also growing in popularity.

How to use CBD flowers

How to use CBD flowers

Not sure what to do with the CBD flowers you just bought? You have come to the right place. Using CBD flowers may seem complicated to beginners, but even experienced CBD flower users can learn something new from the following text. In the following guide, we'll give you a brief overview of what CBD flower is, what positives it offers, and finally, we'll take a detailed look at the best ways to use it.

How to consume CBD flower? Let's do it.


The difference between CBD oil and CBD flowers

The difference between CBD oil and CBD flowers

Anyone considering taking CBD faces the question of which form is best for them. There are many products to choose from, but most attention is drawn to the oils and flowers. What are their benefits and possible negatives? It depends on the user's expectations and preferences, health condition and situation.

With CBD flowers in the kitchen

With CBD flowers in the kitchen

There is still a lot of silent chatter around cannabis flowers and many people have no idea how to use their full potential. But you can process them in many different ways at home. Which will be your favourite?

CBD flowers: a beginner's guide

CBD flowers: a beginner's guide

CBD flowers as a product fall into several categories. Each type has its own specifics regarding how it is grown, care requirements, price or availability, and potency and effect on the human body.

8 ways to use CBD flowers

8 ways to use CBD flowers

The whole CBD craze has been gradually calming down since the first boom, although we can expect a further onset in early 2022 when the permitted THC content will increase from 0.2% to 1%. Interestingly, CBD users are switching from the traditional use of CBD tinctures or oils to vaping high-CBD products. But why is this cannabinoid so popular in the first place? To answer this question, below is a summary of the benefits that vaporizing CBD products has for the body.

What is CBG and what is CBD?

What is CBG and what is CBD?

In the following you will find brief information about the two cannabinoids CBG and CBD and how they compare to each other. CBG and CBD are the most common chemical compounds found in cannabis. They have been shown to have a wide range of health benefits, not only when used alone, but also when used in combination with other cannabinoids or when consumed in full-spectrum cannabis products.

We will look in detail at both chemicals and what effects they can have on your health and wellbeing.

What are CBD concentrates?

What are CBD concentrates and how to consume them?

Concentrates are produced after extracting all the substances from the cannabis plants. From these concentrates, all popular CBD products, except the flowers, are prepared, from gummies and skin serums to vaping products and tinctures. That's the short answer to the question about the definition of a CBD concentrate. However, when you hear people talk about "concentrates" in casual conversation, they're usually referring to the category of super potent products, which includes shatter, wax, budder, and crumble.

What are CBD concentrates and how to consume them?

What are CBD concentrates and how to consume them?

Concentrates are created after extracting all the substances from the cannabis plants. From these concentrates, all popular CBD products, except the flowers, are prepared, from chewing gum and skin serums to vaping products and tinctures. That's the short answer to the question about the definition of CBD concentrate. However, when you hear people talk about "concentrates" in casual conversation, they're usually referring to the category of super potent products, which includes shatter, wax, budder, and crumble.

CBD candy is more than just candy

CBD candy is more than just candy

CBD is a compound from the cannabis plant and few can imagine it in any other form than a dropper bottle and dark yellow oil or capsules. But there are many more options, and CBD gummies, most often gelatinous candies with various fruit flavors, are among the most popular. Perhaps because they balance the line between health and candy.

CBD for dogs is no longer taboo

CBD for dogs is no longer taboo

CBD oil users are slowly increasing. They are mainly after their positive effects such as pain and inflammation relief or better quality sleep. So the question arises why not give similar "care" to dogs.


CBD flower vaporization is still finding its footing

CBD flower vaporization is still finding its footing

Cannabidiol comes in many forms and can be taken in different forms depending on what suits you. However, vaporizing CBD flowers is becoming more and more popular and the range of vaporizers and plants is slowly growing.

Cannabis varieties for better sex

Cannabis varieties for better sex

Sex should be natural, lively, painless and performed with gusto. But it is not always so. The combination of self-will and cannabis products, which contain many beneficial substances, can be the right way to relieve Listlessness or pain.

Terpenes in cannabis, what can we find and what are they for?

Terpenes in cannabis: what are their importance and uses?

Increasingly, we hear about CBD oil and how it is used by people suffering from various health problems, including anxiety, insomnia or diseases such as multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia. An important component of the cannabis plant, and of plants in general, that supports this therapeutic aspect is terpenes.