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What is red kratom and what are its types, effects and dosage?

This article is not a sales article and is not intended to encourage kratom consumption. The use of kratom is not recommended. It is an addictive substance that has a high risk of addiction and possible withdrawal symptoms. Under current Czech law, this substance is not intended for consumption as it is sold as a collector's item.

What is red kratom?

Kratom is a general term used to refer to products (powder, leaves, capsules, paste, thick liquid) that come from the tropical shrub Mitragyna speciosa. Whether it is red, white or green kratom, the color variations are obtained from the same shrub over and over again, although the leaves may have different colored veins. As for the veining of the leaves, it only indicates their age, not the final shade of kratom. Its colour is determined by the drying process and the effects are influenced by the processing method.

In order for red kratom to acquire its reddish-brown colour, it undergoes a process called fermentation. Fresh or wilted leaves are placed in leak-proof plastic bags in a humid environment. This process usually takes 5-7 days, after which the leaves are dried in ovens under ultraviolet light to eliminate possible microbial contamination. However, the process varies from variety to variety, for example, in the case of the Bali Red variety, the kratom leaves are first partially dried in the sun and then bagged.

The leaves contain alkaloids, mainly mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, and the content of these substances varies depending on the processing and the area where the shrub grows. The alkaloids have a strong analgesic effect on the human body, which is why kratom is very likely to be addictive. Mitragynine may have addictive properties, as indicated by animal studies.

Red kratom has a typical aroma reminiscent of fermented black tea. It is generally said to be the strongest of all the species, acting as a sedative and having strong relaxing and analgesic properties. In contrast, green and white 'shorts' are more stimulating. It is said that red kratom is only suitable for the more experienced 'collectors' as it has the most intense sedative effect.

Currently, kratom is taken in the form of powder, capsules, paste, tea and crushed leaves.


Capsules of kratom

Types of red kratom

In kratom e-shops, it is repeated that Bali Red and Maeng-da are among the best-selling kratom varieties on the market.

Maeng-da is considered the strongest variety. This kratom has a strong relaxing effect and is also known for its ability to relieve pain symptoms.

Bali Red is a traditional type of kratom, generally reported to have relaxing effects, can help with stress, anxiety and insomnia problems and relieve pain symptoms. In higher doses it produces euphoria.

Borneo Red takes its name from the area where it is grown, the Indonesian island of Kalimantan, known as Borneo. According to the information available, it can induce relaxation, better mood and relieve pain.

Other types of red kratom include Red Entikong, Red Indo, Red Elephant, Red Pure, Red Vine and Red Dragon.

Effects of red kratom

Even with red kratom, the effects vary from individual to individual and also depend on many factors such as age, weight, health and experience of the user, body tolerance and dose. A low or high dose of kratom can cause different effects, even if it is the same variety. The effects also vary according to the method of processing and the place of origin.

In general, red kratom promises:

  • sedative effects
  • relaxing effects
  • calming the mind
  • relieve stress and anxiety
  • muscle relaxation
  • suppression of pain symptoms
  • improving concentration and alertness
  • sleep support

The 2023 study suggested that kratom users reported different subjective experiences associated with different strains and these experiences reflected the respective marketing descriptions of the species, suggesting the possible influence of user expectations and marketing claims for different kratom strains. The researchers pointed to the need for further studies to compare the effects of different species.

Tip: Looking for stress relief, sleep support or an overall improvement in your mental well-being? Try cannabidiol (CBD), which is non-psychoactive and renowned for its potential therapeutic benefits, and can also help relieve pain and inflammation.


Happy man laughing with his eyes closed.


According to the Czech legislation, kratom is not an approved nutritional supplement or food, it is only a collector's item, therefore its packaging lacks dosage instructions. Therefore, it can only be based on the experience of users.

General dosage recommendations:

  • Low doses of 1-2 g.
  • Medium doses 2-5 g.
  • High doses above 5 g; at such high doses, there is a risk of overdose and side effects such as vomiting and dizziness, also building up a rapid tolerance which increases the risk of addiction.

The golden rule still applies: Always start with the lowest possible dose and observe how your body reacts. The effects usually appear within 10 minutes and peak about an hour after taking it. It usually lasts 3-9 hours and this time depends on the size of the dose and the type of kratom.

As we have already mentioned, red kratom is generally recommended for advanced users. Keep in mind that the recommended dosage is not scientifically based and therefore a safe dose cannot be determined.

Kratom must not be taken every day and for more than 14 days at a time, otherwise tolerance develops, leading to dependence, possible withdrawal symptoms, and unwanted side effects such as sweating, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, muscle tremors, aggression, toxic liver damage, and insomnia.


While some personal experiences from the internet suggest positive effects of kratom use, there is still no research that has evaluated safe and effective dosages, examined all possible interactions and any adverse side effects.

If relevant research emerges, it may be that its potential therapeutic benefits will one day be confirmed. For now, however, it is more of a prognosis. Currently, kratom is not regulated in the Czech Republic.

In conclusion, we recommend that you do not take kratom


Author: Buds for Buddies



Photo: Shutterstock

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