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How to use CBD flower

Please note: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. The article only describes the possible uses of CBD flowers, provided that these flowers do not contain more than 0.3%THC. The article is in no way intended to entice, encourage or incite anyone to abuse any addictive substances. This article is not suitable for persons under the age of 18. 

Smoking vs. vaping vs. edibles

Not sure what to do with the CBD flowers you just purchased? You've come to the right place. Using CBD flowers may seem complicated to beginners, but even experienced CBD flower users can learn something new from the following text.

In the following guide, we'll give you a brief overview of what CBD flower is, what positives it offers, and finally, we'll take a detailed look at the best ways to use it.

What is CBD flower?

CBD flower is the flower of the CBD-rich hemp plant, which contains less than 0.3% THC. There is a common misconception that it is derived from a special type of cannabis plant, but the only property needed is the right dominant cannabinoid.

Cannabis can in fact be bred to be dominated by several different cannabinoids. The only reason why a CBD-rich cannabis flower is more common than, say, a CBG-dominant flower is because CBD became popular first.

CBD flower can be grown either indoors (indoor) or outdoors (outdoor), but indoor CBD flower offers higher quality and potency. Some varieties of CBD plants contain nearly 25% CBD.

How is CBD flower obtained?

When grown indoors, most CBD-rich cannabis varieties take about four weeks to grow to full size and another 8-9 weeks to flower. Once they reach maturity, CBD-rich cannabis flowers are harvested and dried conventionally or flash frozen.

At this point, the CBD flower is ready for consumption. What are the best ways to consume CBD flower and what are the benefits of using the flower compared to CBD extract?

Do CBD flowers provide a side effect?

According to scientific research, the various cannabinoids contained in hemp flower may be more effective when they work together. Through a phenomenon called the entourage effect, the cannabinoids appear to interact synergistically to produce effects that go beyond their individual abilities.

In many types of cannabis products, certain cannabinoids are removed or isolated, thereby eliminating the possibility of this effect. CBD-rich hemp flower, however, retains the full mix of cannabinoids.

Are CBD flowers indica and sativa?

Yes, as with THC-rich cannabis, there are indica, sativa and hybrid variants of CBD flowers. The unique combinations of terpenes in the flowers appear to be responsible for their different effects, as reported by users:

  • Indicas bring relaxing effects
  • Sativa varieties have stimulating effects
  • Hybrid varieties have balanced effects

How is CBD flower used?

People primarily smoke or vaporise CBD flowers. These uses are perhaps the most popular, but you can let your creativity run wild when consuming CBD flower, as it is the source from which all other CBD products are derived. CBD flower, for example, can be mixed into coconut oil to make virtually any existing hemp-based snack or external-use product.

Let's go over the three most popular uses for CBD flower:

Option 1 - Can CBD buds be smoked?

You can smoke CBD buds. However, there are significant differences in the quality of smoke produced between different CBD flowers.

What you're looking for are hemp flowers grown using organic practices, high in terpenes, perfectly dried and subjected to a subsequent process called curing. It is also advisable to check lab tests to make sure your CBD flowers contain a satisfactory amount of cannabinoids. 

What are the benefits of smoking the flowers?

One of the most impressive benefits of smoking CBD flower is the speed of cannabinoid activation - inhaling the smoke from the hemp flower allows the CBD to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. The blood vessels in the lungs then carry the CBD directly to the brain, and the effects of inhaled CBD are usually felt within 30 seconds.

Smoking hemp flower is one of the fastest-acting ways to take CBD. However, these benefits can only be fully realized when you smoke high-quality organic CBD flower. 

Is smoking CBD flower more potent than using it in other ways?

If you're looking for quick and powerful relief, there's no better way than inhaling CBD. Because CBD inhalation bypasses the filtering mechanisms of the digestive system and delivers CBD to the brain so quickly, the effects of inhaled CBD are also significantly stronger than other methods of use.

Keep in mind that the effects of a smoked CBD flower usually only last 30-60 minutes. So if you want to feel the effects of this method of use continuously, you will need to smoke CBD flower more often.

Option 2 - can CBD flowers be vaped?

Don't want to expose your lungs to smoke? Even if you have the cleanest buds in the world, smoke is smoke. Since vapor is absorbed into the lungs better than smoke, vaporizing hemp flower can be more effective than smoking it. Vaping also preserves the terpenes that give CBD flower its unique flavor.

You can also vape hemp flower on the go using a portable vaporizer. At home, you can then use a desktop vaporizer to bring out the true full flavor.

Option 3 - can CBD flowers be eaten?

You can only eat hemp CBD flower if it has been heated enough during processing that the cannabinoids in it have been decarboxylated (and thus activated). We also strongly recommend mixing hemp flower into coconut oil or adding it to food instead of eating the flower itself.

Consuming hemp flower in its raw state is a really bad idea, even if it has been dried. Not only will you not like the taste of raw CBD flower, but the cannabinoids are only activated when exposed to heat.

Frequently asked questions - how to take CBD flower. 

Is there anything else you want to know about taking hemp CBD flower? 

1. What else can be done with CBD flowers?

CBD flowers are the source material from which all other CBD products can be made, so you too can make just about anything. If you feel up to it and have the desire, try making your own original CBD products. For example, start by mixing CBD flower into coconut oil and then try using the oil to make a balm.

2. How does smoking a CBD flower make you feel?

Smoking CBD flower usually offers stronger effects with a faster onset than CBD products that are taken orally or applied to the skin. Like other types of CBD products, CBD flower usually provides a relaxing, soothing sensation. However, the effects of taking CBD flower vary depending on the variety, with indicas providing the most relaxing effects, sativas on the other hand being more stimulating.

3. Can CBD have psychoactive effects?

No, CBD does not have psychoactive effects because it affects the brain differently than THC. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not cause a feeling of intoxication. CBD interacts with completely different neuroreceptors than THC, eliminating the possibility of intoxication. It seems that CBD may even modify the neuroreceptors responsible for the intoxicating effects of THC.

4. Can I eat CBD flowers?

Yes, you can eat CBD flowers, as long as you prepare them in the right way. If you try to eat a CBD flower without cooking it, the cannabinoids in it will not be activated and you will not feel the effects. If you want to feel the effects of CBD flower after eating it, first crush and decarboxylate it.

5. How to use CBD flowers?

There are three main ways people use CBD flowers: smoking them, vaping them, and eating them. You can smoke CBD flowers in a bong, joint or pipe. If you prefer to vaporize, there are many dry herb vaporizers and vaporizer pens to choose from. Properly cooked cannabis flowers can be added to a variety of delicious dishes.

6. How is CBD best absorbed?

The latest research suggests that vaporizing CBD provides the best bioavailability, which means your body can use the highest percentage of CBD you ingest. CBD extracts can be vaporized in the form of dab, for example, and CBD flowers can then be vaped using a dry herb vaporizer.

7. Is it possible to brew CBD flower?

If you intend to drink the liquid in which you brew the CBD flower, go ahead. However, boiling the flower will strip it of cannabinoids and terpenes, so there is no point in using the flower after boiling.

Boiling CBD flower in tea or coffee is a great way to use hemp buds. You can fill any regular tea strainer with crushed CBD flower for an effective way to use it.

8. What does CBD do when eaten?

When CBD is eaten, this cannabinoid is gradually absorbed through the digestive tract and delivers effects over 2-3 hours. The effects of orally ingested CBD are not very intense and their main advantage is how long they last. Even if you eat a lot of CBD flower, it will not have psychoactive effects. Even trace amounts of THC, which is allowed by law, will not cause intoxication.

9. Can CBD sticks be made into hemp butter?

Yes, you can make hemp butter from high CBD hemp.

10. How are CBD flowers used to make cookies?

To make CBD flower cookies, all you need is an oil such as butter or coconut oil, some CBD flower and a common cookie recipe. Simply infuse the butter or oil with the CBD flowers in a pot and then add the infused concoction to the cookie recipe. Depending on the variety used, the subtle flavor of hemp can add the perfect culinary touch to your freshly baked cookies.

11. How should CBD be consumed?

You should consume CBD in the way that best suits your needs. Inhalation is the fastest-acting and most effective way to consume CBD, but there is a time and place for external or oral use of CBD products as well.

Whichever way you choose to take CBD, remember to prioritize quality above all else. Your health is more important than anything else, and not all CBD products are created equal.



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