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CBD flowers: a beginner's guide

Indoor CBD Flowers Delivery

CBD flowers grown indoors under artificial lighting are characterised by their good quality and appearance, strong taste and aroma. In addition, growers have 100% control over the entire process and can regulate the different stages to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the highest possible level of flower is achieved. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the speed of cultivation. Although the plants are supervised, they need enough time to germinate, grow and flower. After the first four weeks, when nothing is happening on the surface (germination), the cannabis plant goes into dormancy. For the next three months, the plant grows stronger and more vigorous.

On the one hand, it is possible to react almost immediately to the needs of cannabis and change growing conditions such as humidity, light angle or CO2 levels in a very short time. On the other hand, this type of cultivation is both energy and financially intensive, which is reflected in the final prices for indoor CBD flowers. However, thanks to the possibility of ensuring ideal conditions at any time, it is possible to harvest several times a year. It is not easy to find a place with a constant temperature of between 22 and 28°C during the day and between 17 and 19°C at night, free of mould and spores, with enough light for up to 18 hours a day (the maximum the plants can use effectively) and with a fan to bring fresh air into the growbox and remove bad air.


Indoor CBD květy mají nespornou výhodu v tom, že má člověk                kontrolu nad každou fází pěstování a může průběžně upravovat podmínky.

Outdoor CBD flowers

Outdoor CBD flowers have one undeniable advantage. Growing them is the least expensive. There is no need to buy fans for air circulation, special tarps or pay high energy bills. All you need is sun, soil and air.

However, flowers grown in the open are subject to the vagaries of the weather and it is difficult to give them the care they need at any given time. Compared to the indoor version, the growing process takes up to three times longer and the resulting quantity is understandably smaller. The flowers do not benefit from temperature fluctuations, excessive rain, strong winds or too much sunshine, and they can also be harmed by unsustainable harvesting methods and pesticide contamination. This can have a negative impact on appearance and taste. If you want to avoid toxic substances, look for outdoor CBD flowers in organic quality. But the price is understandably higher.

Greenhouse Cannabis

Growing CBD flowers in a greenhouse is a modern way to ensure sufficient quality while keeping the environmental impact to a minimum. By keeping the plants under a tarp (through which the sun can pass), ripening occurs much earlier than is common for outdoor or indoor options. The flavour and aroma are much more intense and the terpene content is higher. Sunlight is regulated by the cover and the vagaries of the weather cannot cause damage as with outdoor CBD flowers.

Moon Rock

These are cannabis flowers that are first soaked in CBD hash oil (also used to spray them) and then sprinkled with kief (powder from the resin glands on the cannabis plant (trichomes) containing CBD, THC and terpenes). They should be stored in dark and sealed bags to ensure that the aroma does not escape, the humidity is stable at around 60 % and the flowers do not deteriorate. Normally, the CBD content of the flowers is around 15 %, but the average for Moon Rock is around 50 %.  The biggest advantages are the really high dose of CBD and the positive effect on mood, against the fact that it is a very strong product that not everyone can handle.

Ice Rock

Ice Rock is strikingly similar to Moon Rock, but in addition to the full spectrum oil, pure CBD extract is used to coat the hemp sticks in a sticky, gooey form. The flowers are then dusted with CBD isolate (in the form of a white crystalline powder). The result resembles an ice cube. The cannabidiol content exceeds 70 % and the plant itself shines through the white layer only in a few places. It has a very specific smell, which is not typical of cannabis.

Fine fraction

CBD flowers referred to as "fine fraction" is all about structure. Pure cannabis is slowly giving way to combinations with herbs such as mint or sage, which have their own specific scent and blend nicely with the cannabis buds.



Photo: Shutterstock 

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