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Cannabis varieties for better sex

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Cannabis contains a range of substances from cannabinoids to terpenes and flavonoids. The levels vary from strain to strain and the constituents have different effects. Research suggests CBD is associated with the ability to relieve chronic headaches and promote sleep, reduce inflammation, improve skin condition, relieve anxiety or suppress symptoms of autoimmune diseases, but the effects of cannabis on sex are as yet a big unknown. The studies that have looked at cannabis (containing THC - i.e. marijuana) and its possible effect on sex have produced "contradictory" results. One concluded that for women, consuming marijuana before intercourse can lead to more intense orgasms (2019). On the other hand, a review study a few years earlier (2015) came to a much less positive conclusion. Intermittent marijuana use increases men's sexual activity and, conversely, prolonged and regular intake hinders their motivation for intimacy. However, human clinical studies follow only a small sample of participants and further testing will be needed for results.

Marijuana consumption, it seems, may thus have some aphrodisiac effects. However, it depends on many factors that affect the human body. However, we are primarily interested in the answer to the question of what effect the use of technical hemp flowers - with their prevalence of CBD content - or other CBD-containing products may have on sex and sexual experience.

People seek CBD for many reasons. In relation to sexuality and sex life, it can be the vision of pain relief for chronic diseases such as endometriosis. But the most common reasons include increasing experience or relieving stress and anxiety - including anxiety about sexual performance. Beyond that, CBD can serve as a means of inducing the right relaxed mood.

CBD can be taken in several forms. The most popular are CBD drops. They are applied under the tongue and travel to the bloodstream in a few minutes and the onset of effects is very fast. The specific taste can be a barrier, which sensitive users cannot get over (but it also depends on the carrier oil, which can affect the taste). For them, CBD capsules or CBD gummies are more suitable. If you intend to use cannabidiol only for its sexual effects, there are topicals or massage oils on the market, but even lubricants and suppositories.

You cannot generalise and say that cannabis works in a certain way. The effects are influenced (positively or negatively) by a person's overall health, hormonal imbalances, stress or previous experience of use. Each variety has a different ratio of substances affecting the body.




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However, there are a number of other varieties on the market that do not directly target sexual problems, but due to the effects of CBD on some problems, improvements can be seen during intimacy.

According to a 2014 study, it is possible that CBD acts on the vascular system and improves blood flow through the blood vessels. In fact, poor blood flow to the penis is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. Likewise, taking cannabidiol can positively affect ejaculation and sexual performance.

There is also increasing talk of a link between CBD and anxiety and stress. Both negatively affect brain function and disrupt the hormonal system. This blocks the expression of desire and feelings of arousal, and one has no desire or energy for sex.


Potřeba sexu se u každoho liší. Dojde-li ale k prudkému                poklesu a nezájem trvá, je něco špatně. Vybrané terpeny a kanabinoidy z konopí by                mohly pomoct.


Pain during sex indicates a problem. Sometimes it is caused by carelessness on the part of the partner, but usually it is inflammation or insufficiently moistened mucous membranes (usually related to stress). Products with CBD can eliminate the aforementioned problems, reduce pain during intercourse and improve lubrication to make sex a limitless experience again.

You don't have to worry about taking too much CBD. The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified cannabidiol as safe, with only common side effects that go away on their own and have no negative impact on human health. In rare cases, you may experience dry mouth, mild coordination problems, increased blood pressure, or red eyes, but these are trivialities associated with prescription drugs and natural products.

Cannabidiol will not harm you if the concentration and dosage recommendations are followed. In addition, products with up to 1% THC are legal in the Czech Republic (as of January 2022). However, in neighbouring countries the situation is usually a bit stricter and the legal limit is lower (0.3%).

Sex is all about relaxation, so you can improve your intimate life on your own and without the support of drugs or supplements and herbs. Try to eliminate stress to a minimum, take regular exercise and a balanced diet, limit alcohol and cigarettes, talk and boost self-love.


CBD can positively affect associated problems such as lingering pain or inflammation and anxiety, which can not only enhance the quality of sex and the experience of it, but also improve the overall condition of the body.



Photo: Shutterstock 

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